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Friday Tuck Shop / Tuck Trays

Tuck Shop is a wonderful Friday activity that has been running for many years now. It is our biggest fundraiser throughout the year. Last academic year it raised more than half of all our funds: more than £6,200! 

Lots of children look forward to having a home baked treat at the end of the week.

What is Tuck Shop?

A group of parents kindly volunteer each week to provide home baked goods that are offered to the children at break time in the morning in exchange for a weekly contribution of £1, which goes to the PTA.  Tuck shop is the main source of fundraising for the PTA and without it we would have a huge shortfall in our fundraising, which would limit what we can pass back to the school. The contribution made by parents who give their time to Tuck Shop is hugely appreciated.

How can you help?

Tuck Shop will only run if there are enough bakers and servers and we are always in need for more volunteers - please speak to your class rep if you can help with either baking or serving.

Typically, each volunteer baker bakes 20-30 nut-free bakes - our tuck shop co-ordinator has a rota in place.

Our servers are in charge of arranging trays for each year group on a Friday morning after drop off and are usually finished by 9.45am

Children with food allergies and intolerances

The school is a nut free school (including use of ingredients with potential traces of nut). The bakers kindly try to meet some dietary requirements, but ultimately all bakes come from domestic kitchens. Given that bakes are made in domestic kitchens, we request that children with allergies, food intolerances, or other dietary requirements or needs bring their own nut-free cake or cookie to school or do not take part. Do not bring in any processed products or home-made products that contain nuts or ‘may contain nuts’. 

A cake or cookie from home can be put inside a suitable container labelled with their name and Year group and left with the serving team, along with the other bakes, so that the child still has their bake alongside their friends rather than from their bag. A donation is optional and not expected. Alternatively, a child can opt out.

Children without dietary needs or requirements are asked to either take part in Tuck Shop or opt out (i.e. those without dietary requirements should not bring their own food). 

Please do not send sweets or lollipops to school.

Tuck shop is cashless

In order to plan the baking rota and to remove any costs from banking processes, Tuck Shop is cashless. Allowing adhoc payments risks children missing out on a home-made bake.

Please pay via the SumUp link below. Advise your rep that you have done so by sending a screenshot of your receipt. If you have more than one child, please send your screenshot to the rep for their year and not the rep for a sibling in another year. If you have a child with dietary requirements, please do not pay before speaking to your rep. Once you are then happy to proceed, and after you have read all of the advisory information on this page please proceed as mentioned above. 

Please pay for your child's tuck shop using this sumup link

If the cost of Tuck Shop prevents your child from taking part, please email the PTA re free entry or subsidy