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Our chosen Charity for the autumn term 2023 is CAFOD and we aim to raise money through various events and activities.                 


CAFOD Family Fast Day

CAFOD Family Fast Day was held on Thursday 5th October where we were raising money by dressing in colourful mufti clothes to raise awareness of the theme 'Brighten up for Harvest’ at the same time.

Trek to Pakistan 

The Spiritual Council have chosen to do a sponsored walk to raise money for the communities in Pakistan who have been affected by flooding. During the months of October and November, the children have been challenged to walk 3798miles (the distance from Englefield Green to Pakistan) and this equates to approximately 18 miles per child. This is a HUGE ask of the little legs in our school so some of the older children might like to do a few extra miles. 

Further Fundraising


Every year we join in the Macmillan Coffee morning. This year we have managed to raise a total of £572.70 - A very big thank you to everyone who has donated but also helped provide bakes for our Coffee morning as well as Macmillan Tuckshop.