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Interested in becoming a Governor?

We are always keen to hear from potential new Governors as positions may become available at any time. Governors perform an important voluntary role in education at St Cuthbert's and a full and diverse governing body can be a source of enormous strength to the school. Volunteering as a governor is a great way to contribute to your local community, meet new people and improve the lives of local children. You will develop transferable skills and learn more about the education system whilst putting existing skills and experience to good use.

We spend approximately 10-15 hours per month on governance matters. We also have a role on a sub-committee of the governing body which will include 2-4 meetings per term and some preparatory reading. St Cuthbert's Full Governing Body meetings are held in term time only.

There are lots of training courses available in the Surrey area. All new governors are recommended to attend the governor induction programme which helps in understanding the role and function of the governing body. We operate a Buddy system as well as having a detailed induction pack for our new governors. The Local Authority and Diocese also provide a wide range of further training opportunities to enable governors to develop and enhance their knowledge and skills.

Who can apply?

Anyone who is aged eighteen or over and not disqualified under the School Governance Constitution Regulations (England) 2007 or 2012 is eligible for the role. You do not need to be a parent or have any particular qualifications to become a governor; enthusiasm and a desire to make a difference are the most important qualities a volunteer can have.


If you would like to know more please contact our Chairs of Governors Mr Paul Mould on: