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Year 1

Home Learning

The children receive home learning every Wednesday. This is delivered through Seesaw, however can be printed if preferred. This will normally consolidate learning in a specific subject from the week. It is always due the following Monday. 

Children receive phonics reading books every Friday, based on the sounds and books they have been learning that week. The book can only be changed if the children bring their reading folders in with their previous weeks' books. Each child has a reading diary which allows parents and teachers to track reading and communicate progress. 


Phonics Screening Check

Every child in Year 1 in England has to take the Phonics Screening Check. The child takes the test during a one-to-one sitting with a teacher.

The Phonics Screening Check (or Phonics Screening Test) is a test to assess and show how well your child can use and apply the phonics skills that they’ve learnt up to the end of Year 1. The Phonics Screening Check is also an additional opportunity for teachers to identify children who need help with their phonics.

During the Phonics Screening Check, children are asked to read a mixture of real words and pseudo-words (fake words). If a child doesn’t meet the expected standard, they will be given the appropriate support with their phonics and re-take the Phonics Screening Check in year 2



In year one, we visit the church to learn more about baptism. We also take a walk to The Green to help us discover the local area, spotting local landmarks as part of our Geography learning

In the Summer term we will be learning about the development of transport in history and will partake in a coach trip to Brooklands museum, where we will learn more about the first flights and different modes of transport.